Thursday 5 March 2015

Palace warns vs ‘opportunists’ who may sow dissent

Watch out for “opportunist groups.”
Malacañang aired this warning as it called on groups planning a justice march for the martyred 44 commandos of the Philippine National Police-Special Action Force (PNP-SAF)  this Sunday to remain vigilant against the possible infiltration by a desperate few instigating a military-backed uprising against President Aquino.
Presidential Communications Operations Secretary Herminio Coloma Jr. said the government upholds the people’s freedom of expression but would not tolerate any action that violates the Constitution.
“While we join the commemoration of the heroism of the PNP-SAF44, it is important to be vigilant and watchful of groups that want to take advantage of the grief and use the opportunity to pursue their dubious goal,” Coloma said in a press briefing.
“Let’s observe that in the past days, there have been calls for the resignation of the President coupled with coup threats and other destabilization efforts. These opportunist groups have even used the 29th anniversary of the EDSA People Power Revolution as an occasion to call on the public to wield people power against the government,” he added.
The Philippine National Police Academy Alumni Association, Inc. (PNPAAAI) had earlier announced plans to hold a “March for Justice for SAF 44” on March 8. The organizers have already issued guidelines to keep the nationwide activity non-partisan and focus on the demand for justice for the slain troopers.
During the EDSA anniversary rites, President Aquino lashed out at desperate groups riding on the Mamasapano incident to derail the peace process.
He lamented that these groups merely criticize the government but do not present alternative solutions to the problem.
Coloma said these groups do not want peace because they will benefit from chaos and violence.
“The government appeals anew for calm and reason.”
At the Lower House, a group of lawmakers filed House Resolution No. 1952 seeking to declare March 6, 2015, a National Day of Healing for Unity and All-Out-Peace, All-Out-Justice in commemoration of the 40th day of the Mamasapano massacre.
Led by former Justice Secretary and 1-BAP partylist Rep. Silvestre Bello III, the group asked the 290-man Lower Chamber “to lead this nation’s call for calm and sobriety amidst these troubled times, and in unity with the independent efforts of our peace-loving citizens’ peace advocacies and to commemorate the thousands of lives lost from decades of armed conflict in Mindanao.”
“This unfortunate incident has likewise caused a national divide threatening to polarize the country and its peace-loving people, with some sections issuing condemnation, hasty judgment and espousing bloody retaliation and all-out war,” the three-page resolution said.
Joining Bello in filing the resolution are AKBAYAN partylist Rep. Ibarra Gutierrez III, Quezon City Rep. Jose Christopher Belmonte, Zambales Rep. Cheryl Deloso-Montalla, Gabriela Rep. Luz Ilagan, Sorsogon Rep. Deogracias Ramos Jr., Camarines Sur Rep. Maria Leonor Gerona Robredo, AMIN party-list Rep. Sitti Djalia Turabin-Hataman, TUCP party-list Rep. Raymond Democrito Mendoza, and Lanao del Sur Rep. Pangalian Balindong.
The lawmakers cited that civil society groups, peace movements and communites across the country have started to unify in a gathering of peace advocates calling for “All-Out-Peace, All-Out-Justice,” which will culminate on the 40th day of the tragic Mamasapano anti-terror raid last Jan. 25.
“In order to maintain calm and sobriety in these tension-filled times and arrive at an objective and impartial result to the ongoing investigation on the Mamasapano incident, there is an imperative and urgent need to pause and re-assess our common aspirations to bring peaceful solutions to our nation’s problems,” the group said.

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