Wednesday 4 March 2015

Aquino, legislative leaders charged with treason over BBL

President Aquino, together with Senate President Franklin Drilon and House Speaker Feliciano Belmonte was charged yesterday with treason before the Office of the Ombudsman OMB) for conspiring in the approval of the controversial Bansangmoro Basic Law (BBL) which the complainants described as “unconstitutional.”
 Also included in the criminal complaints were BBL  government peace panel negotiators Teresita Deles and Miriam Ferrer as well representatives of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), namely; Murad Ebrahim, Mohagher Iqbal and Ghazali Jaafar.
In filing the complaint, former Assemblyman and Immigration Commissioner Homobono Adaza and government-critic Herman Tiu Laurel cited the respondents as co-conspirators in promoting the approval of the of the BBL,  granting the MILF more power and territory beyond the limits set by the Constitution.
They said the BBL violates at least 11 provisions of the Constitution on including religion, equal protection rights and promoting social justice.
Among others, they said the accord would redefine the Article 1 of the Constitution  granting part of the national territory to the Bangsang Moro, and also powers of sovereignty which are indivisible.
They said MILF like other insurgent groups in Mindanao is waging war against the Republic of the Philippines.
By entering into the BBL, the respondent government officials are guilty of treason, giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the state.
They said treason under our laws is committed by a Filipino citizen who gives aid or comfort to the enemies of the government, adding that the MILF is an insurgent group that has been waging war against the republic.
“BBL establishes a parliamentary as against a presidential system, and by its territory and power of sovereignty, it is a state within a state, “they said in a six-page complaint.

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